Nate Staniforth, host of the Discovery Channel's "Breaking Magic" series and member of the prestigious Band of Magicians, has toured United States since 2005, bringing his “unplugged” style of magic to over 20,000 people each year at clubs, colleges, universities, and theaters across the country. In 2011 Nate’s US college tour brought in the “Best Small Venue Performer” award from Campus Activities Magazine and his weekly youtube series has garnered almost half a million views. In 2009 Nate traveled extensively through Southeast Asia and India to learn about the traditions of magic in those cultures, studying with shaman, witch doctors, street performers, and anyone who could help him learn more about the traditional roots of his craft. These lessons, combined with his experiences on the road in America, led to his 2011 TED Talk titled “Creating Astonishment” that outlines his direct, no-frills approach to magic. Nate is the author of a book on performance theory for magicians and has worked as a consultant for some of the top magicians in the world. He graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in history and religion and, after living in Chicago and Los Angeles, returned to Iowa where he currently lives while not on tour.
Check out Nate's YouTube series here: